Museum and Interpretation center

Musée de la mémoire vivante

Saint-Jean-Port-Joli • Destination Région L'Islet
Vue du fleuve depuis le belvédère
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Musée de la mémoire vivante

Contact details

710, avenue De Gaspé Ouest
Saint-Jean-Port-Joli Québec, G0R 3G0
List of itineraries

418 358-0518


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In a few words

As the place where the events of the historical novel “Les anciens Canadiens” by Philippe Aubert de Gaspé and “Mémoires” took place, the museum invites visitors to experience an immersion in “immaterial heritage.” Four exhibits and a collection of first person stories are sure to bring back memories and also keep them alive. You can visit the museum alone or with family, and are welcome to share your own recollections and knowledge to future generations. At the site, you can see the remains of the foundations of de Gaspé's second manor house. Enjoy the picnic areas, a promontory, a bakehouse built circa 1764, and a root cellar located mid-way between the museum and access to the St. Lawrence shores.

Visit duration : 2.00 h

For Real!

Judith Douville, Musée de la mémoire vivante

Certifications et distinctions

  • The Navigator's Trail
  • Authorized museums
  • Grand Prix Régional - 2010
  • Grand Prix National OR - 2010
  • Grand Prix Régional - 2010

Schedule and prices


From March 13 to May 5, 2024: Wednesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
From May 6 to June 23, 2024: every day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
From June 24 to September 2, 2024: every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
From September 3 to December 1, 2024: every day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
From December 2 to December 20, 2024: Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Adults: $15;
seniors (65 years and over): $14 ;
Students: $14 ;
special rates for families and groups.

Activities and Events (4)

Activités à venir

August 2024

  • August 3, 2024The seigneury of Vincennes, a history of Beaumont and Lauzon

    Gaston Cadrin, author and speaker, knows how to make the fascinating history of the Vincennes seigniory interesting. Industrial and commercial initiatives from the 18th, the lives of the inhabitants, and other facts will be told to you Starts at 7:30 PM

  • August 4, 2024Driftwood painting

    After collecting pieces of wood discarded by the river, participants will decorate them or paint them with a motif of their choice in the company of a cultural mediator. Starts at 2 p.m.


September 2024

  • September 1, 2024Living cuisine with Elise Caron

    Get acquainted with the concept of living cuisine, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. A way of eating that advocates good health without sacrificing good taste.


October 2024

  • October 6, 2024The cultivation of carnivorous plants

    The specialist in carnivorous plants, Paulo Pipa, will be at the Museum from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. to talk to you about his passion for these exceptional plants. He will advise you on how to live with a single carnivore, a terrarium or an entire collection.


Articles (7)


Curious Nature Podcast- A drive like no other with Lina and André

The sunsets over the Charlevoix mountains are a colorful sight from the L'Islet wharf. It is because we were invited by Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches to follow the route proposed by the podcast "Ralentis, la marée monte", between L'Islet and Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies, that we attended that evening, the eve of departure, at this moment of great beauty in the company of people gathered to admire it.

Curious Nature Musée de la mémoire vivante : the discovery of the intangible heritage of yesterday and today!

Reminding us of our origins or our childhood memories, this is an experience of visiting the Musée de la mémoire vivante, a museum dedicated to the person and which preserves intangible heritage. New for this year, the innovation Tower, features a virtual exhibit titled "Inspirational Models Yesterday and Today". You can consult it while having an exceptional view of the river and the surrounding landscapes!

How to fully enjoy spring

The dazzling, invigorating and energizing spring sun! The art of gently enjoying this moment of transition from the lull of winter to the bright future of summer is a real joy. So take the time to stop for a getaway in our region with friends, lovers or family to enjoy this season full of light and hope!

Fill up at Saint-Jean-Port-Joli!

Traveling by van, my boyfriend and I have converted our own camper with the idea of exploring the province and our neighbors independently. It is on board our big red car that we try to escape the city as often as possible.

Arrêts Gourmands

Gourmet stops

On vacation an hour from home!

Ah ! Saint-Jean-Port-Joli ! Here is a village that lives up to its name! As I am lucky enough to live in the neighbouring MRC, only an hour away, it is not uncommon for me to head to Saint-Jean-Port-Joli for one or two days, simply to get a change of scenery. The experience works like a charm: every time I take exit 414 off the 20, I immediately switch to "vacation" mode, even though I'm only a few steps from home!

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