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Annabelle Pelletier

Ambassadrice Destination Région L'Islet

Hi! I'm Annabelle, but everyone calls me Anna. I am 24 years old and I have been a resident of the L'Islet region since I was a teenager. I love discovering Quebec, especially when it's close to my home! I am a nature lover and many would describe me as greedy, curious and creative. Fortunately for me, the L'Islet region is full of attractions to nourish (you'll see that I have a strong epicurean bent hehe) these facets of my personality! I favor simple family moments (and yes, in family I also include all my animals). Another essential point is that I was an advisor at the tourist information office of Saint-Jean-Port-Joli for 3 years. Even today, I always take great pleasure in recommending local restaurants and activities to those around me. After all, as they say: all journeys start at home!

Last Articles

My must-see “dog friendly” places in Saint-Jean-Port-Joli
In this article, our ambassador Annabelle reveals the places she particularly likes to visit in Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, in the company of her dogs: Pénélope and Théodore!
Annabelle Pelletier
Annabelle Pelletier Ambassadrice Destination Région L'Islet
Written on August 23, 2023