Cross-country skiing

Domaine de Gaspé

Saint-Jean-Port-Joli • Destination Région L'Islet
Sentiers du Domaine de Gaspé
Sentiers de ski de fond du Domaine de Gaspé.
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Domaine de Gaspé

Contact details

7, place De L'Église
Saint-Jean-Port-Joli Québec, G0R 3G0
List of itineraries

418 598-3084

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  • Nbr of trails : 7

  • Length : 11 km

Articles (1)


Fill up at Saint-Jean-Port-Joli!

Traveling by van, my boyfriend and I have converted our own camper with the idea of exploring the province and our neighbors independently. It is on board our big red car that we try to escape the city as often as possible.